dpo consultancy clients

Our Clients

Privacy and data protection in practice

DPO Consultancy is trusted by more than a 100 clients worldwide!

Vitens logo, DPO Consultancy client
Jaguar Land Rover logo, DPO Consultancy client
Yamaha logo, DPO Consultancy client
Belastingdienst logo, DPO Consultancy client
ibn logo, DPO Consultancy client
chdr logo, DPO Consultancy client
bibliotek eindhoven logo, DPO Consultancy client
go sharing logo, DPO Consultancy client
marinus pharmaceuticals logo, DPO Consultancy client
immuno brain logo, DPO Consultancy client
wilson hcg dpo consultancy client


“Complying with data privacy regulations is no longer a daunting and tedious task, but it has become part of our core business.”

Amber Perrone, former Recruitment Compliance Analyst at WilsonHCG


On a daily basis, WilsonHCG processes huge amounts of personal data of workers and job seekers around the world. With offices in over 65 countries, the organization is subject to various privacy and data protection laws regarding international data transfers. The organization aims to grow even further in the coming years. To reinforce these growth ambitions and to respond in time to the constant changes in the field of privacy and data protection, WilsonHCG enlisted the help of DPO Consultancy to ensure compliance with global legislation and regulations in a structural manner.

Volker Wessels DPO consultancy


“Developing job-specific knowledge and awareness is always a challenge with so many employees. DPO Consultancy has been very successful in finding a solution for this.”

Mirjam de Vaal, Divisie Privacy Officer at VolkerWessels


After the company-wide implementation of the GDPR, VolkerWessels – one of the largest construction companies in the Netherlands – wanted to train 12,000 employees in the field of privacy and data protection. To this end, the company developed a unique e-learning program together with DPO Consultancy to train different groups of employees in a targeted manner and to form the basis for permanent education.

Discogs DPO consultancy client


“Without DPO Consultancy we would never have gotten through the complexities of the GDPR. Their consultants are very skilled in making complex privacy matters simple.”

Cori Dahlstrom, General Counsel & DPO at Discogs


Discogs is on a mission to build the biggest and most comprehensive music database and marketplace in the world. With over half a million contributors and 8 million community members, the company takes privacy and data protection very seriously. A complex challenge, given the different privacy legislations around the world. To be sure of the best level of privacy management and governance, Discogs uses DPO Consultancy’s unique DPO-as-a-service offering. Based on a thorough Privacy Management Activities plan, the external and independent DPO supports them in every step of their privacy journey, from the assessment to implementation and training.

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