GDPR Assessment
Determine if your business is GDPR Proof and assess your Privacy level
GDPR Assessment: assess your privacy compliance
Every company that processes personal data must be sure that the company’s procedures are GDPR compliant. A GDPR Assessment is the best starting point to assess your level of compliance with the GDPR and other relevant Data Privacy legislation. In conducting it, we provide you with:
- A clearer insight into your current compliance level
- An analysis of all relevant privacy documents, such as
- Privacy Policy
- Privacy and Cookie Statement
- Retention Policy
- Data Breach Procedure
- A clear starting point for improvement
This way you discover the risks your organization is facing in relation to privacy and data protection and to effectively solve them. However, this is not a one-time Assessment. Processes change, knowledge dissipates and new systems (and privacy laws) are introduced. It is therefore recommended to conduct an Assessment of your privacy level at least once a year, to stay up to date with your company’s GDPR compliance. Our flexible approach will allow you to go more in depth than a traditional GDPR Assessment, as it goes beyond mere formal compliance and aims at performance improvement.
Why perform a GDPR Assessment?
In the digital era, a GDPR Assessment is essential to keep your organization on track amid the rapid growth of data-driven technologies, privacy regulations, and growing concerns about personal data privacy. It is a concrete application of the accountability principle, stated in the GDPR, as it helps you to answer the following questions:
- Are personal data processed lawfully?
- Are my processing activities GDPR-compliant?
- Are there policies and procedures in place to quickly and effectively handle data breaches or access requests from data subjects?
“If you want to seriously tackle privacy and data protection, an assessment is the logical first step to determine what to do.”
Elena Sheikh – Privacy & Data Protection Consultant
DPO-as-a-Service at Secure2Go | PO-as-a-Service at Wittebrug
Our GDPR Assessment Checklist
During the GDPR Assessment, every privacy related aspect of your company will be checked and evaluated, in order to assess:
- The current privacy level,
- The risks involved in the processing activities and how to mitigate them,
- Which gaps are present
- Which activities, policies ad procedures need to be improved.
In particular, using our GDPR Assessment Checklist, we will assess your:
- Data Handling Practices
- Governance Structure
- Record of Processing Activities
- Privacy Policy and Data Privacy Document Management
- Education and Training Plan
- Third Party Risks Management
- Data Subjects’ Access Request Management
- Operational Practices that require Privacy Impact Assessment or Data Protection Impact Assessment
- Data Breach Management Program
- Other Data Privacy Laws and Regulation applicable to your business
Once the Assessment is completed, a full report will be provided with the recommended measures required to achieve and maintain GDPR Compliance.
Conduct a GDPR Assessment with us!
DPO Consultancy is the designated partner for an independent and professional GDPR Assessment. Our international team of data privacy experts are aware of all current legislation and regulations and masters all aspects of good privacy and data protection policies.
Find the gaps! We will classify all identified risks and points for attention and translate them into tangible action points that your organization can implement to improve compliance with the GDPR and any other relevant data privacy laws or regulations. Feel free to contact us by filling out the form below or sending us an email at